Ready to take your business to the next level?

With DJVO Solutions, you can leverage over 17 years of recruitment and business development experience, and over 20 years of experience in training and development. Our experienced team will help you make the most of your resources and build a successful team.

Business-development solutions

Our team has over 20 years of experience in business development solutions that can help you expand your reach, increase customer satisfaction and grow your business faster.

Expert training and development

Our team is well-versed in providing professional training and development service that helps companies achieve their goals faster. We specialize in troubleshooting, performance management, coaching, mentoring, recruitment and business development.

Recruitment made easy

Hiring the right people can be a daunting task. With DJVO Solutions on your side you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Our experienced recruiters have over 17 years of experience finding the best talent for any job or project.

Performance management solutions

We offer comprehensive performance management solutions that can help you identify areas for improvement and maximize resource utilization for maximum returns.

Business development solutions

Our team has over 20 years of experience in business development solutions that can help you expand your reach, increase customer satisfaction and grow your business faster.

Unlock Your Potential with DJVO Solutions

DJVO Solutions is a consultancy company that specializes in training development. We have the tools and expertise to help you unlock your potential and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Grow Your Skills with Our Pro-Grow Model:

Our Pro-Grow Model focuses on coaching, mentoring, and performance management to help you overcome any challenges you face and reach the next level of success. We use an array of strategies and pathways looking at, KPI’s while fine-tuning the headhunting / Recruitment & Onboarding Processes. Ensuring staff retention is at an optimum to ensure that our clients are equipped to succeed.

Realize Your Dreams with Pathways Analytics:

We provide a comprehensive Pathways Analytics solution from idea to action – helping you turn your dreams into reality. With our support, you can identify the key steps needed to achieve your goals, create an actionable plan of attack, and measure progress along the way.

Unlock Your Potential with


We offer high-quality safeguarding training courses tailored to your specific needs. Our course content is regularly updated, ensuring that you are provided with the most up-to-date information on safeguarding policies and procedures.

Moving & Assisting

Our moving & assisting courses are designed to provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge required for safe moving & handling of people or objects in a variety of settings.

First Aid Training

At DJVO Solutions, we offer first aid training that covers all the essential topics, giving you the confidence and skills needed in emergency situations. Our training is designed to equip you with the latest information and techniques for dealing with any medical emergency..

Business Development & Sales

We provide comprehensive training for businesses looking to develop their sales strategies and increase their customer base. Our expert business consultants are on hand to assist in designing effective marketing plans that will help grow your business.

Emergency First Aid at work

Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for an Emergency First Aider in the Workplace, this one-day qualification meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.


A minimum of six contact hours in the classroom, consisting of practical and theoretical activities, plus some pre-course activity could be required. Ideally, the course should be run over one day, but can be spread over a longer time period if you so desire, providing it is completed within 4 weeks of starting the course and the training sessions last for a minimum of two hours.

RQF Level 3 Award

Qualification title: FAA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) Code: 603/2080/1

Unit 1 title: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace Unit code: Y/615/8504

SCQF Level 6 Award

Qualification title: Award in Emergency First Aid at Work at SCQF Level 6 Code: R529 04

Unit 1 title: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace Unit code: UL20 04

Emergency First Aid at work


Practical assessment is ongoing by the instructor, and a three year qualification will be issued to those who satisfy the criteria. In addition, the HSE strongly recommend that all students undergo an annual refresher programme of three hours


A maximum of 12 students are allowed and must be a minimum of 14 years of age and a certificate can be offered to all, subject to assessment. A student cannot assume a responsibility in the workplace until they reach the age of 16, and then it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the student is suitable for that role. The certificate will expire as dated on the certificate, irrespective of age.


A range of subjects are covered including:-

• Responsibilities and reporting

• Resuscitation and AED awareness

• Burns

• Assessment of the situation

• Anatomy

• Choking

• Dealing with an unresponsive casualty

• Minor injuries

• Epilepsy

• Basic hygiene in First Aid

• Bleeding control

• Shock

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Telephone : 07534324597


James Robertson Managing Director “Caremore Group “

“Darren gave a thorough and in depth first aid training session which was both informative and engaging. My staff now feel a strong sense of confidence moving forward in managing and dealing with any scenarios that could arise”

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DJVO Solutions LTD, 17 Sanderstead Road Croydon CR2 0PE

Modern Day Slavery Policy

Slavery Victims Day Icon

1. Introduction

DJVO Solution Ltd is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its business activities and its supply chains. This policy outlines our stance on modern slavery and the steps we take to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

2. Our Commitment

DJVO Solution Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We will implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or in any of our supply chains.

3. Our Business and Supply Chains

DJVO Solution Ltd is a training provider operating in the UK. Our business involves working with various suppliers, subcontractors, and partners. We recognize that different parts of our supply chain may pose varying levels of risk regarding modern slavery, and we are committed to addressing these risks appropriately.

4. Due Diligence Processes

To identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains, DJVO Solution Ltd will:

Assess and monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.

Perform regular supplier evaluations based on their compliance with our anti-slavery policy.

Include specific prohibitions against modern slavery and human trafficking in our contracts with suppliers.

Require new suppliers to provide evidence of their own anti-slavery policies and practices.

5. Training and Awareness

We will provide training to our employees to ensure they understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, and can identify and report potential issues. This training will cover:

The basic principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

How to identify and report potential cases of modern slavery.

The importance of adhering to this policy.

6. Reporting Concerns

Employees, suppliers, and contractors are encouraged to report any concerns about modern slavery or human trafficking in any parts of our business or supply chains. Reports can be made confidentially to our designated Modern Slavery Compliance Officer.

7. Responsibility for the Policy

The Directors of DJVO Solution Ltd have overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal and ethical obligations. The Modern Slavery Compliance Officer will monitor the implementation and effectiveness of this policy.

8. Review and Amendments

This policy will be reviewed annually and may be amended from time to time to reflect changes in legislation, business practices, or organizational changes.

Equality and Diversity Policy

1. Introduction

DJVO Solutions Ltd is committed to promoting equality and diversity and to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against in the workplace. This policy outlines our approach to equality and diversity in line with the Equality Act 2010 and other relevant legislation.

2. Policy Statement

DJVO Solutions Ltd values diversity and seeks to provide all employees with the opportunity for employment, career, and personal development based on ability, qualifications, and suitability for the work. We do not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.

3. Our Commitments

To create an inclusive environment, DJVO Solutions Ltd commits to:

Promoting equality of opportunity for all.

Creating a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination.

Valuing and respecting the diversity of all our employees and clients.

Encouraging all employees to treat each other with dignity and respect.

Making decisions concerning staff based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Equality Act).

4. Scope

This policy applies to all aspects of employment with DJVO Solutions Ltd, including but not limited to:

Recruitment and selection.

Terms and conditions of employment.

Training and development.

Career progression.

Disciplinary and grievance procedures.

Termination of employment.

5. Legal Framework

This policy is based on the Equality Act 2010, which harmonizes and replaces previous legislation and ensures consistency in what organizations need to do to make their workplaces a fair environment and comply with the law.

6. Responsibilities

Directors and Managers:

Ensure compliance with this policy and promote equality and diversity within the workplace.

Take immediate action to address any instances of discrimination, harassment, or victimization.

Support training and awareness initiatives.


Comply with this policy and treat colleagues with dignity and respect.

Report any instances of discrimination, harassment, or victimization.

7. Implementation

Recruitment and Selection:

Ensure that job descriptions and person specifications are clear and objective.

Advertise vacancies in a way that reaches a diverse audience.

Shortlist and select candidates based on their skills, qualifications, and experience.

Training and Development:


Provide training on equality and diversity to all employees.

Encourage continuous professional development and career advancement opportunities for all staff.

Working Environment:

Promote a culture where diversity is valued and respected.

Implement reasonable adjustments to support employees with disabilities

8. Reporting and Addressing Concerns

Employees who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment should report their concerns to their line manager or the designated Equality and Diversity Officer. All complaints will be taken seriously and handled promptly and confidentially.

9. Monitoring and Review

DJVO Solutions Ltd will regularly monitor the effectiveness of this policy to ensure it is working in practice and will review and update the policy as necessary to reflect changes in legislation or organizational practice.

10. Breach of Policy

Any employee found to have breached this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct. Serious breaches may also constitute a criminal offense.


Green Policy

1. Introduction

DJVO Solution Ltd is committed to conducting its business in an environmentally responsible manner. We recognize the impact our operations can have on the environment and strive to minimize this impact through sustainable practices. This Green Policy outlines our approach to environmental sustainability.

2. Policy Statement

DJVO Solution Ltd is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainability in all aspects of its operations. We aim to continually improve our environmental performance and integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions.

3. Our Commitments

To support our environmental goals, DJVO Solution Ltd commits to:

Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

Reducing waste and promoting recycling.

Conserving energy and improving energy efficiency.

Minimizing the use of non-renewable resources.

Promoting sustainable travel and reducing carbon emissions.

Encouraging our employees, suppliers, and clients to adopt environmentally friendly practices.

4. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and partners involved in the operations of DJVO Solution Ltd. It covers all aspects of our business activities, including office management, training delivery, and supplier interactions.

5. Key Areas of Focus

Waste Management:

Reduce, reuse, and recycle waste materials wherever possible.

Implement proper waste segregation and recycling systems in the office.

Avoid single-use plastics and encourage the use of reusable products.

Energy Conservation:

Monitor and manage energy consumption to reduce usage.

Invest in energy-efficient equipment and appliances.

Green Policy

6. Employee Engagement and Training

We will engage and educate our employees about environmental issues and this policy through:

Regular training sessions on sustainability practices.

Clear communication about our environmental goals and initiatives.

Encouraging employee suggestions and participation in green initiatives.

7. Monitoring and Reporting

We will monitor our environmental performance and report on our progress:

Conduct regular environmental audits to assess compliance and identify improvement areas.

Set measurable environmental objectives and targets.

Report on our environmental performance annually and review this policy as needed.

8. Continuous Improvement

DJVO Solution Ltd is committed to the continuous improvement of its environmental performance. We will review and update our Green Policy regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Encourage employees to switch off lights, computers, and other equipment when not in use.

Sustainable Travel:

Promote the use of public transport, carpooling, cycling, and walking.

Encourage the use of virtual meetings to reduce travel-related emissions.

Provide facilities to support cyclists, such as bike racks and showers.

Resource Efficiency:

Use sustainable and ethically sourced materials and products.

Promote digital documentation to reduce paper use.

Ensure that any printed materials are necessary and use recycled paper where possible.

Supplier Engagement:

Work with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

Include environmental criteria in the selection and evaluation of suppliers.

Encourage suppliers to minimize their environmental impact.

DJVO Solutions Ltd Facilities Management and Health & ​Safety Policy

DJVO Solutions Ltd is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working ​environment for all employees, contractors, visitors, and any other ​stakeholders. This policy outlines our procedures and responsibilities for ​fire safety, fire evacuation, and the project management of the ​installation of evacuation chairs, signage, and General Emergency ​Evacuation Plans (GEEP).

Fire Safety

Fire Risk Assessment:

    • Regular fire risk assessments will be conducted to identify potential ​fire hazards and implement measures to minimize risks.
    • Assessments will be reviewed annually or whenever significant ​changes occur within the premises.

Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:

    • Ensure that fire detection and alarm systems are installed, regularly ​tested, and maintained in accordance with regulatory standards.
    • All fire alarms must be audible and visual to cater to individuals with ​disabilities.

Firefighting Equipment:

    • Fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and other firefighting equipment will ​be strategically placed and maintained.
    • Regular checks and servicing will be conducted to ensure equipment ​is in working order.

Fire Evacuation Plan:

A comprehensive evacuation plan will be developed and displayed ​prominently throughout the premises.

Regular fire drills will be conducted to ensure all employees are familiar ​with evacuation procedures.

Evacuation Wardens:

    • Designate and train evacuation wardens to assist in the safe and orderly ​evacuation of the building.

Wardens will be responsible for ensuring all areas are cleared and assisting ​individuals with disabilities.

Assembly Points:

    • Clearly marked assembly points will be designated outside the building, at ​a safe distance from potential hazards.

All employees and visitors must proceed to the assembly points in the ​event of an evacuation.

Installation of Evacuation Chairs and Signage

Project Management:

    • A dedicated project manager will oversee the installation of evacuation ​chairs and signage to ensure compliance with safety standards.

The project manager will coordinate with suppliers, contractors, and ​internal stakeholders to ensure timely and efficient installation.

DJVO Solutions Ltd Facilities Management and Health & ​Safety Policy

Evacuation Chairs:

Evacuation chairs will be installed at strategic locations, particularly in ​areas with stairwells. Regular training will be provided to designated staff ​on the proper use of evacuation chairs.


Clear and visible signage will be installed to guide individuals to the ​nearest exits and evacuation chairs.

Signage will be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure visibility ​and legibility.

General Emergency Evacuation Plans (GEEP)

Individual Plans:

    • Develop General Emergency Evacuation Plans (GEEP) for individuals ​who may require assistance during an evacuation.

GEEPs will be tailored to the specific needs of each individual, ​ensuring their safety during an emergency.

Training and Awareness:

Regular training sessions will be conducted to raise awareness of ​GEEP and ensure all employees understand the procedures.

    • Training will include the use of evacuation chairs, identification of ​evacuation routes, and roles and responsibilities during an ​evacuation.

Review and Update:

    • GEEPs will be reviewed and updated regularly or whenever there are ​changes to the building layout, occupancy, or specific needs of individuals.
    • Feedback from fire drills and actual evacuations will be used to improve ​GEEP.

Responsibilities & Management:

    • Ensure compliance with this policy and provide necessary resources for fire ​safety and evacuation procedures.
    • Review and update the policy regularly to incorporate changes in ​regulations or company operations.


    • Familiarize themselves with fire safety procedures, evacuation plans, and ​participate in training and drills.

Report any potential fire hazards or issues with firefighting equipment ​immediately.

Project Manager:

Oversee the installation of evacuation chairs and signage, ensuring ​compliance with safety standards and timelines.

Monitoring and Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or as required to ensure it remains ​relevant and effective.

Feedback from drills, actual evacuations, and any incidents will be used to ​continuously improve fire safety and evacuation procedures.